australia20flag.jpgCarbon tax is deductible, Australian Accounting Standards Board tells companiesAustralia’s accounting standards setters have given taxpayers some cheer this week saying the country’s new carbon tax, which took effect on July 1, is a deductible expense for income tax purposes.
oxf20cbt.jpgReport assesses competitiveness of UK tax systemThe Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation (CBT) has assessed how close the UK government has come to achieving its stated ambition to “create the most competitive corporate tax regime in the G20”, highlighting that there is still work to be done.
oecdsmall.jpgOECD latest to urge lower US corporate tax rateThe OECD has recommended that the US should reduce its corporate tax rate, joining the voices of many tax directors, advisers, politicians and industry groups who have already stated the case for reform.
fgflagsmall.jpgEuropean Commission to assist 10 member states adopt FTTEU finance ministers last week failed to unanimously agree on adopting a financial transactions tax (FTT), but 10 member states are set to push ahead with the support of the European Commission.
kindle.jpgCommission warns France and Luxembourg over VAT on eBooksThe European Commission has launched infringement procedures against France and Luxembourg for reducing their VAT rates on eBooks, which it argues is distorting competition for other member states.
hong20kong.pngCourt of Appeal decision brings Nice Cheer for Hong Kong taxpayersHolders of trading investments in Hong Kong will be buoyed by a Court of Appeal decision that provides that unrealised gains from such investments are not taxable until realised, while unrealised losses can continue to be treated as tax deductible.
donald20korb.jpgFormer IRS chief counsel tells taxpayers what to expect in tax litigationDonald Korb, now of Sullivan & Cromwell, spent almost five years as chief counsel for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from 2004 to2008. He is best known for developing the litigation strategy that led to the US government’s success in tackling tax shelter cases.