Latin America and Caribbean
A Swedish company’s CEO working part-time in Denmark led to a noteworthy PE decision; in other news, Latham & Watkins grew its London tax team
The lack of provision for bilateral advance pricing agreements is a notable omission from proposed reforms of Brazil’s transfer pricing rules
US calls for talks with Canada over digital service tax, Argentina cuts withholding taxes, and more
As ITR’s accreditation title releases its global rankings, we focus on the top performers across the Americas in the first of three regional analyses
Sponsored by MachadoGabriel Caldiron Rezende of Machado Associados explains the contrasting viewpoints and legislative developments regarding the taxation of goods moved between branches of the same company
Sponsored by Ritch MuellerSantiago Llano Zapatero and Fernando Caballero Gout of Ritch Mueller examine the state-imposed taxes applicable to specific transactions in certain states in Mexico
Sponsored by VRMA AdvogadosPaulo Victor Vieira da Rocha and Murilo Jakuk of VRMA Advogados discuss treaty articles 12 and 13 within the context of national case law concerning the taxation of fees paid for imported technical services
Latin American and Caribbean Jurisdictions