ITR concludes its World Tax rankings analyses with APAC, where India’s dynamism stood out in an otherwise stable region
Jim Chalmers’ opposite number also criticised the embattled firm, but argued that the government’s response to the tax leaks scandal had gone too far
The firm’s new Asia-Pacific head James Badenach tells ITR that A&M Tax can provide an alternative in the region to a “constrained” ‘big four’
As the firm declined to speak with ITR over its progress, senator Deborah O’Neill branded PwC Australia’s recent parliamentary responses as ‘unsatisfactory’
Sponsored by DLA Piper AustraliaJock McCormack of DLA Piper Australia summarises Australia’s latest proposed double tax agreement as the country’s treaty reforms gather pace, and potential changes to the non-resident capital gains tax withholding rate and threshold
Sponsored by GNV ConsultingThis month’s summary, by Ahdianto Ah and Reza Farhan of GNV Consulting, also explains a regulation providing for an import duty exemption on certain seeds and seedlings, and new supervisory powers for customs officials
Sponsored by Lakshmikumaran & SridharanS Vasudevan and Harshit Khurana of Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan consider the winners and losers as India removes the 2% equalisation levy on overseas e-commerce operators to facilitate its implementation of the OECD’s pillar one solution