Special Focus
Associate Dean (Research) and the H Heward Stikeman Chair in the Law of Taxation at McGill University, Canada
The OECD held a two-day conference on January 14-15 to allow stakeholders to discuss its blueprints for digital tax reform ahead of the G20/Inclusive Framework meeting later in January.
Hansuke Consulting held its second Financial Services (FS) Tax Conference on November 18-19 2020.
Taxpayers at ITR’s virtual Women in Tax forums held in the Americas and Europe say career progression requires the support of good mentors, a corporate sponsorship programme, building a good network and, most of all, taking advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.
Sponsored by Kambourov & Partners Tax ConsultingDennitsa Dimitrova of Kambourov & Partners Tax Consulting highlights a significant tax risk in M&A transactions involving telecommunications operators and suggests what steps should be taken during the due diligence process
Sponsored by DeloitteVrajesh Dutia and Michael Nixon of Deloitte explain the nuances of amount B as jurisdictions consider its adoption, and outline the uncertainties and challenges involved
Sponsored by DeloitteMariusz Każuch, Inka Traeger, and Conrad Marburg of Deloitte consider tax authorities' recharacterisation of intercompany transactions through drawing on recent practice in Poland and Germany, and suggest proactive measures global businesses can take
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